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Bitcoin Pizza: The No Bullshit Guide to Blockchain
When you hear the word blockchain, what’s your reaction? Do you think it’s a fad that’s been overhyped but will soon be forgotten? Or maybe you have a vague understanding of how the technology works, but you’re unsure of how it will impact your life.
Or maybe you just like pizza.
Neither reaction is wrong. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are still in their infancy—but they will soon fuel a worldwide cultural and technological paradigm shift that will disrupt every major industry: finance, supply chain, film and arts distribution, digital rights, automotive, social media, data security, real estate, and more.
In Bitcoin Pizza, I offer you an eye-opening exploration of what blockchain is and how it will radically change our world. Whether you’re an executive looking to prepare your business for a decentralized future, or a newcomer curious about the blockchain hype, this fun and relatable guide will give you the confidence to explore this technology in more detail by first showing you the big picture. Instead of looking at blockchain with trepidation, you’ll come away thrilled by the possibilities.

My First Bitcoin Pizza! 🍕
We’ve partnered with Lightning Pizza, creators of Fold App to help you get your hands on some pizza (and Bitcoin).

Alice and Bob are fictional characters commonly used as placeholder names in cryptology, as well as science and engineering literature. The Alice and Bob characters were invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman in their 1978 paper "A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems.
An ASIC, or application-specific integrated circuit, is an integrated circuit (fancy word for for computer chip) customized for a particular use. In the case of Bitcoin, ASICs are microchips specifically designed for Bitcoin’s SHA-256 algorithm.
Bitcoin (₿) is a Cryptocurrency. It is a decentralized digital currency that doesn’t rely on a single administrator or central bank. Bitcoin can be sent directly from one user to another user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.
Bitcoin Pizza Day takes place on May 22nd of every year to commemorate Laszlo Hanyecz’s purchase of Two Papa John’s Pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins. The holiday is a significant cultural origin story in the history of Bitcoin, and represents a real-world, commercial use of the cryptocurrency.